West Hill beagles is my kennel. I take a lot of heat from everyone on the forum about me bragging on my beagles, but I don't care I'm very passionate for my beagles. I'm not afraid to brag on them they do their job the way they should. I'm not this swamp beast person I say what I feel is right if I don't like something I will tell you I don't like it. I expect everyone to do the same. I think I have been beagles. I will sell to anyone I never have a list first come first service. I won't give anyone a week trail I think that is stupid if you buy it is yours no returns I work hard with my beagles. Why would a person post every week about a litter of pups they have it just don't make scents to me what are you trying to prove. I'm West Hill Beagles the best beagle kennel in the world.
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He should then you would have 3 of the stupidest people on earth making over each other
SB should call me
He is not my buddy SB but I don’t know him but he is passionate about his kennel and what is wrong with that?
That’s the way a beagler should act
Bravo FiveH-Bravo
You are so right 5H. K&A never restricts what we can post.
West hill, try being more humble. I'm sure you have good hounds but being humble gets you way farther in life. If you don't like someone giving a trial or posting an update why not just over look it? It's his site to post on same as he lets you post what you want. You could have more business and sales if you'd be more polite. Not trying to start crap with you, but hound hunting is a dying sport, being more humble and nicer with others in the sport will help it thrive. No need for all the negativity and all the bragging. I have nice hounds myself, but I'm sure others have better especially if they like a different style hound. I'll hunt my dogs with anyone and if they beat me I'll be happy I hunted with them and seen a better hound. Just trying being more humble bub, I'm sure everyone on the site would welcome you more if you were.
I’m ready
He fine out hoe good his hounds is once he faces all the great hounds
They will not mess up the club hunts but they will find out how good there hounds are
They will not mess up the club hunts
While glad to hear that there in your club because if that is the class of people you have in it I wouldn’t want to be in it
West hill and SB are both in the club hunts so they are two different people
I have the best
We all say what we feel is right
Ok I will say shove your kennel and shove your dogs I don’t like you and I said what I believe and I call it the way I see it
Act right you won’t have to do this
I’m still not impressed
It all right to proud of you hounds but at some point, they must back up what your saying
You may post what you want to about hounds. I will post all the updates I want too with asking you. I don't know you I have never talked to you. If everyone and you want to disagree that fine as long as it is clean I don't have a problem with it.