This is how I found her. the only bones that was broke looked to be three vertiebrae at the base of her neck. her left hind leg at the knee was gone. I never found any bite marks on my tracking collar or her normal collar didn't see any bite marks on he bones either. the collar was still hooked up but moved up around her eyes in a X on her head. The day we was running I had 3 other dogs with her after the first race she never came back like the other dogs did they when back and ran two more races all around the area where I found her dead. my other dogs never got afraird or anything.I never heard anything kill her no sounds she was 176 yard from me.

Now talking like that it tells me you are stupid and you are the real swamp beast quit telling a lies and Amit you are him because the good lord didn’t make 2 ignorant people like him