When I started here , in central IL. there were no coyotes , and very few deer . A lot of guys ran beagles , you could get a good one 50 bucks or less .Any farmer would let you hunt on them , as long as you asked . Now the coyotes , and now bobcats , keep the rabbits so thin a track can be hard to find . I do not know another beagler in the area . All the ground is leased to outfitters , or city folk for deer hunting , so it is hard to even find a place to go , and harder to make a good dog .The 1 constant is that people who run dogs are good people .
i do because around here there seems not to be as many rabbit hunters as there was in the 1970's and i started to learn how important paper dogs are to sell and 90 percent of the guys who still have beagles are great guys
there is some good people beagling.
There will always be bad people don't let them mess up your beagling.
You are so right
When I started here , in central IL. there were no coyotes , and very few deer . A lot of guys ran beagles , you could get a good one 50 bucks or less .Any farmer would let you hunt on them , as long as you asked . Now the coyotes , and now bobcats , keep the rabbits so thin a track can be hard to find . I do not know another beagler in the area . All the ground is leased to outfitters , or city folk for deer hunting , so it is hard to even find a place to go , and harder to make a good dog .The 1 constant is that people who run dogs are good people .
it has people has changed and people has got out of the sport
i do because around here there seems not to be as many rabbit hunters as there was in the 1970's and i started to learn how important paper dogs are to sell and 90 percent of the guys who still have beagles are great guys